Monday, 8 February 2016

Light in your darkness...

"In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:4-5)

I know and love and follow Jesus Christ as my Friend and my Savior. I am not perfect in my faith. I am not perfect in my walk. My life is not without its challenges and hardships, defeats and weaknesses. But I say it again, I know and love and follow Jesus Christ as my Friend and my Savior. Today I want to reach out to you and invite and encourage you to reach out to Him, anew or afresh, because He is your Light, our Light. Because His light shines in the darkness, you and I can sing His praises in the morning, throughout the day and on our beds at night. Because of Him, we can have a song in our hearts even when it seems all dark around, because the light penetrates and shines in the darkest corners of our lives.

Have you experienced His light shining in your darkness…

In your moment of anguish and fear and panic
In that secret place of captivity to sin
In the dark of depression when dark seems to become even darker
In that place of isolation and abandonment
In the hopelessness of your situation
In the cries from deep in your heart and soul
In the sorrow that engulfs you, drowns you
In the brokenness of your heart
In the failed relationship, the rejection, the humiliation
In poverty and hardship ripping away your joy to live
In that horrible place of violence
In the day of evil, the onslaught
In the moment of temptation
In your exhaustion?

The light shines IN the DARKNESS. Christ is there IN your DARKNESS and when He is there, the darkness CANNOT overcome. Before the light, darkness HAS to flee.

Throughout the ages, men and women who have cried out to Jesus, the Christ and their Savior, have found that the darkness, their darkness, could not overcome them. No matter the depth of their darkness, no matter the length of their darkness, no matter how many times their souls have fainted…always there came a Savior and His light shone in that darkness, driving it out. Men and women have found that their hearts could sing a new song, a song of jubilation and praise, a song that carried them on, one step at a time out of the darkness and into His Kingdom of Light.  

They have found, also, that His light brings only life and gives of it freely without reproach as James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” The light exposes but does not shame, blame, threaten or bribe. The light, unwavering, comes and brings healing, joy, peace, freedom, love, comfort, meaning, change…life everlasting. You and I are children of the light. 

Jesus my Light.
Jesus your Light.
Jesus our Light.
Come shine in people’s darkness.

God bless,

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