Friday, 1 August 2014

Love or fear, what compels the bride of Christ?

On my wall I have a framed quote that says:
"Strength is vital for winning many of the spiritual battles of life, especially the drawn-out battles. We need the Spirit of might and power in order to prevail."
I so agree with that but I do also believe that actually, we need the Holy Spirit for winning any spiritual battle in life! And while indeed some battles are long and drawn-out, tapping all our energy, others are sudden, short and so fierce that they can blow us off our feet.

Whether our battle is long or short, it is a stark reminder that we have an enemy and he has but one purpose - to separate us from God and from the life that there is in Christ. In a way, he has already failed in this purpose because in Christ nothing can separate us from the love of God. Christ has opened a door for us into the loving presence of God the Father and Satan cannot change this. Yet, Satan can and will still play with our minds by doing everything in his power to convince us that in some way we can be disqualified to enter through this Door that is Christ or that indeed we can and will be rejected by Christ if we are not good enough or we do not meet a certain list of requirements. Should we at any time believe this, we have no choice but to give up. To stop the fight. To loose all hope. Our battle is lost.

Have you ever been in such a place? A place where you suddenly wondered whether you are indeed accepted by Christ? A place where the accuser has accused you? Where he has brought before you the list of requirements that you fail to meet in order to be accepted in Christ?

In Zechariah 3:1 we see him trying to accuse Joshua the high priest before God. "Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him."

Satan bargained on God acting like a chief commander in an army. A chief commander operates on two principles - authority and fear. Indeed he has the highest authority in the army and therefore if he says jump, you jump or you face the terrible consequences. You always obey the chief commander. You fear him and his authority and what he can do or be ordered to be done to you. You know that unless you obey, you are going to be crashed. If Satan can convince us that this is the character of God, he is halfway there to win his battle against us. We will either be of the mind that because we have failed somewhere in someway whether intentionally or unintentionally, we will face grave consequences and be disqualified for God's service and love or we will obey out of fear. Where there is fear, there is no love. We might obey God but our obedience will have little to do with a love for God.

Jesus also placed a high priority on obedience, but it was always connected to love. "If you love me, you will obey what I command." (John 14:15). And again in verse 23 "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching."

I don't believe Jesus' attitude when He said these words was that of the chief commander - IF, then you WILL. I don't think He spoke these words as a whip to beat His disciples into obedience. Obedience is not so much a requirement as it is the response of a loving heart. The love comes first and the loving heart delights to obey.

Yes, God also operates on two principles of which indeed authority is one, but the second is not fear, it is love!

Let me give you some equations:

Authority + fear = intimidation and condemnation
Authority + love = invitation and conviction

Intimidation says: You better do!
Invitation says: Come and follow!

Condemnation comes from the enemy and it separates from God.
Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit and it draws to God.

Did Joshua have dirty clothes? Was he guilty of sin? Could a 'Chief Commander' punish him severely? Yes. "Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel." Is there something in your life that could resemble these dirty clothes? Is there still some sin in your life? Is there a 'requirement' put on you that you still don't 'meet'? If you are still alive and still walking this earth, I bet you have. I certainly have even though I love the Lord with all my heart!

So what will our 'Chief Commander" do with us? Will He crack His whip? Will He threaten us? What did He do with Joshua?

"The angel said to those who were standing before him, 'Take off his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, 'See, I have taken away your sin and I will put rich garments on you.'

Mercy. Love. 

Not -  'If you will not take of those filthy clothes and walk in my ways you will have to suffer the consequences'

Pardon. Grace.

And only then came the words: "This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'If you will walk in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.'"

You think Joshua would choose to walk in God's ways? Bathed in the love of God, love would have him do none other.

What is my whole point with this post? I want to encourage you dear friend, when the attack comes, when Satan comes like the thief in the night and beats you over the head with his accusations; when you find yourself filled with fear and confusion, go back to Christ. Cling to His love. Let His love heal you. Let His love convict you. Let His love move you. Let His love compel you. Let His love guide you. Let His love into your heart and see your heart respond!! See the battle won and your heart filled afresh with the joy of the Lord, your strength!

God bless
Until next time


  1. Hey Liz!

    When I first saw the question, "What compels the Bride of Christ to obey God, love or fear?" I thought to myself "BOTH". That was until I realized you weren't talking about the FEAR of the Lord, but fear as in, to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.

    Now, when I revisit my first answer which was both (pertaining to the fear of the Lord) I realize that still wouldn't have been correct, because the fear of the Lord KEEPS (Exodus 20:20) vs compels.

    I love what you have written :-) KEEP sharing the LOVE of God.

    1. HI Livea, thank you for your comment. It had me thinking a while. I think that our love for God and our reverential awe of Him is inseparable. They are two flips of one coin. Our reverential awe of God allows us to love Him without loosing the necessary respect for Him and acknowledging His authority. We love Him thus as a Father, not a pal. But as we love Him as a Father, we love Him as a loving Father who is for us and not against us. May we all continue to grow in the knowledge of God's love for us that there is in Jesus Christ!

  2. Lize,
    Oh, what a wonderful way to explain our relationship to God. Many of us fall into the belief that our relationship to Him as a commander in chief; someone waiting to swat us when we get out of line, instead of the truth: He is the Prince of Peace and relates to us as loving Father showering us in His grace, love, and mercy. Great post!

    1. Thank you Mary, it is important to know that our love for God does not give us the green light to disobedience but rather spurs us on to obey. Yet, we do not fear the wrath of God - not because we are already perfect without any sin/mistakes but because in Christ there is no condemnation :-)
