Monday, 9 May 2016

Rejoice, oh my soul, even on a grey Monday morning!

“He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.”
(John 10:3b)

This morning my soul woke up a bit slow and somewhat reluctant to be called out into the Monday and week awaiting. Perhaps as the sunrays just couldn’t break through the grey cloudiness outside, the rays of joy and enthusiasm that usually lifts me up and into the day just couldn’t break through this morning. Oh, there’s nothing seriously wrong. No specific reason. I just somehow lacked the necessary ‘oomph’ for the day. I found myself unwilling to go through my usual Monday morning house sorting, or doing the taxes, cleaning my two canaries’ cages or even joining my husband for breakfast in town.

So after opting for a lower input beauty routine and leaving my hair to dry into its own curliness after a quick shower, I sat myself down with a cup of ginger and lemon rooibos tea, my favorite journal, “The Journey”, my Bible and my Friend.

Reading from John 10, the above words of John 10:3 spoke to my sluggish sole. Yes, Jesus came this morning as He always does and He called me out. ‘Oh Lord, you know that this little sheep was not very enthusiastic about going out today!’ I smilingly acknowledged to Him.

I continued, “But Lord I know that You picked me up and lovingly carried me out in Your arms until I felt better and You could put me down again. And as I started out next to You, soon I once again felt the strength to join the flock out here in the fields.”

Pondering on my lack of zest this morning yet knowing that I am still safe in my Shepherd’s hands, I recognized the beauty of what He gave us. It is so precious and it shines through even the most grey days. Whom of us cannot sing along, even when our souls are a bit slow:

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven;
To His feet thy tribute bring;
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Who like thee His praise should sing?
Praise the everlasting King.

Ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven. There it is. Will we ever grasp the full beauty of these truths?

I am ransomed. God has delivered me ‘from the power of darkness’ and has translated me ‘into the kingdom of his dear Son.’ When you listen to the stories of people who have been caught up in Satanism or a life of horror and death and drugs and violence and unforgiveness and anger, you KNOW that the life of love and righteousness gifted us in Christ in the Kingdom of Light is beyond precious.

I am also healed. “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) God did not leave me in my sinful, hopeless condition. He healed my heart! My heart is now filled with love for my Redeemer and I want to live according to His laws which I recognize as good. I may still err, but it brings me no joy to follow my own worldly ways. I find joy in Christ as I learn on a daily basis to walk in His Holy Spirit.

Restored. The truth of this word brings tears to my eyes. I was a sinner and I could have been unable to ever come into the sweet presence of God, but Jesus paid the ransom price and now, because of Him, I have been restored. I am now a dearly loved child of God, included in a kingdom of priests and a bride of Christ! In Christ I have been restored to a position of glory, seated in the heavenly realms. ‘…God was pleased to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery…which is Christ in you, the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27.)

Forgiven. I am forgiven. I have been given life in Christ in His Kingdom now and forever.

My soul might wake up on a grey Monday morning, feeling a bit unwilling to be called out into a demanding day, but deep down all is well with my soul because I belong to Christ, the lover of my soul…my Saviour and my life!

Therefore I sing out loud (and may you join me even on a grey Monday in your own life)

“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
 (Psalm 103:1)

God bless,