Thursday, 17 July 2014

Onward Christian soldiers

Onward, Christian soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus

Going on before


Onward, Christian soldiers

Taking up the sword

Slay the enemy, strike them down

Do it all for the Lord


Onward, Christian soldiers

Purge out all wrong

Prune and cut until all is well

To Christ does all authority belong


But wait, Christian soldiers

Halt your stride

Look about…

Have you struck the bride?


Wait Christian soldiers,

Just wait…

Look up again at your Lord

Gone on before…


Now, lay down some things

Arrogance for one

Self-righteous confidence another

What is your goal?


Onward, Christian soldiers

Truth will not let you stop

Yet, don’t strike that ear

Don’t drive with fear


Follow your Lord

Build up with love

And before you strike,

Become very meek


What is your goal?

What is your aim?


In all you do

Don’t surpass your Lord

In all you do

Follow Him


Onwards, Christian soldiers

This poem I wrote for us. Teachers, mentors, preachers, Christian bloggers. We all fervently love our Lord, we fight for Him. Each convinced of a light that has been shed for him or her on some or the other Christian aspect, we overflow with confidence and eagerness to share it with the world, to make some kind of difference... for our Lord.

This is good. This is right. We are compelled by our love for Him.

Yet, let us be careful lest we slay each other, lest we cut of ears that Jesus would rather have put back.

Ours is a fine balance between boldness and meekness, steadfastness and openness, firmness and gentleness.

I know this is a strange post this week, but nevertheless, one for thought.

God bless until next week

Friday, 11 July 2014

Blessed but baffled bride

Have you ever been baffled by what is going on in your life? Have you ever looked up at God with consternation and question marks written all over your face? I know I have! That's why I was so relieved when I recently again met with a woman in the pages of my Bible who was as perplexed at God as I sometimes am. As relieved as I was to be reminded that I am not the only one who can be so baffled in life, I was even more relieved, comforted and strengthened by the message God gave her and I want to share that with you today.

Please turn with me to Luke 1:26.

"In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, 'Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."

Yes, I am talking about Mary, a young bride living in a small town in Galilee, preparing for the time when her groom, Joseph, would come to take her to live with him and for their wedding to be consummated. She was just a young woman going about the normal things in life, but nothing in her life was just random! God was actively involved and working in her life! Whilst Mary had found favor in the eyes of Joseph, I wonder whether she realized how favored she was in the eyes of God! This is the exact message the angel brings her - you are highly favored by God.

As Mary, we are also just normal people living out the daily realities of our own lives. And yet, as with Mary, there is nothing random about our lives. God is also intensely involved in our lives. He also has a special plan and a specific purpose for each one of us. We too are highly favored in His eyes.

How did Mary react to this message of great blessing and favor?

"Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be."

Mary was troubled and greatly so! The Greek word here translated as 'wondered' means to literally bring together different reasons and to reckon up the reasons. I can just read her mind - Have I done something wrong? Is something wrong? Is something bad going to happen? Is this a good thing? What does God want? What could He want from me?!? Does He want me to do something? What does it mean that I am highly favored? Why am I being highly favored?

Let's admit it. We also sometimes wonder what kind of greeting God has given us. We know that He loves us and has chosen and blessed us but we don't always understand His plans with or for us. What is His purpose? What does He want? What is He doing in my life? What could He want from me or with me? What does He want me to do? 

The angel's words to Mary is also God's response to our questions: "Do not be have found favor with God."

Dear friend, whatever is going on in your live and however strange things may seem, God is for you. His favor is on you. Whatever He is doing, whatever He is asking, it is good and it is meant to prosper you, not to bring you harm. He does not intervene and concern Himself with your life in order to crash you. On the contrary, listen to what the angel told Mary:

"You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High...his kingdom will never end"

Mary would give birth to the Son of God - the Messiah who would save a lost world, who would further the Kingdom of God and reign forever! The King of kings and Lord of lords! How big is that?? How blessed is that?

Do you realize that God's purpose for us is exactly that? Mary would literally give birth to the Son of God but spiritually the Son of God is also birthed in us. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Christ dwells in us. He lives in us. As the Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Christ, we bear His fruit, showing the character of Christ. And now, through us, He shows His love and compassion to a lost world. Through us He invites others to also come and taste that He is good! How blessed and favored we are!!

But Mary was still not convinced. She was as baffled as ever:

"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"

How are we reacting to what God wants to do in and through us? Maybe we are also wondering how this can be.

How will this be since I am...
  • but a mere sinner
  • only a failure
  • of weak faith
  • so angry and hurt I cannot forgive
  • so entangled in addiction I cannot hope to break free
  • too fearful
  • not good enough
  • too young or too old
  • too inexperienced
  • in a hopeless situation

What is it that God is putting before you today that you are asking...'How will this be?' Let God answer you and me as He answered Mary:

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you...For nothing is impossible with God."

It is not you. It is not I. It is God in you. It is God in me. He will work forgiveness in our hearts, He will clothe us with righteousness, He will give us the necessary measure of faith, He will give us the strength and the courage, He will equip us and give us the ability. He. The Son of God. Christ in you and in me.

He asks only one thing from us. The one thing which Mary gave..."I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said."

The word 'servant' in this context carries the meaning of someone who willingly and wholly submits to the will of another. Mary willingly and wholly submitted to the will of God in her life even though she must have realized it was not going to be an easy ride. She stood the chance to be rejected, shamed and even stoned. She had no idea what this journey would entail or where it would take her. Yet, she believed. She trusted. She submitted. She surrendered. She gave a willing heart.

And that was all God needed to work a miracle in her life. That is all He needs to work the miracle in our lives, in your life.
For nothing is impossible with God.
Dear highly favored but baffled bride, just give God your willing heart.
Be blessed, be highly favored
Until next time